Tag: solstice

Peace on Solstice

Peace on Solstice


Astronomically speaking, we have reached the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. I for one hail the return of the light as we pass around the sun. It means the pineal glands inside my animals’ heads will detect more light through the optic nerve, letting them know that Spring is 90 days away. It’s time to prepare for babies and shed their winter coats. It helps lift depression in humans as well; I know it does for me.

And from this basic celebration hundreds, maybe thousands of different rituals and ceremonies have arisen, from Saturnalia to Santa Claus. It happens every 365.25 days, without fail, since the Earth cooled and settled into orbit. It happens if no one cares, if every life form alive went extinct, or if we find life on Mars. It is such a such a steady, never changing phenomenon that we have based our lives around it – this thing we call time. stonehengesolstice

I just want to remind you all that our lives are short, most less than a single century. Go out of your way this solstice, and say “what can I do to make things better for ______” and that can be anything from your cat to the environment.

Here’s a really cool link if you want more information on the winter solstice. In the meantime, Captain Jackson’s dear wife, Rianya, has been living in artificial lighting for years now, and if you’ve been paying attention, you might be able to guess what happens when she finds herself back on Beta Hydri IV.

Artist's impression of the trio of super-Earths discovered by an European team using the HARPS spectrograph on ESO's 3.6-m telescope at La Silla, Chile, after 5 years of monitoring. The three planets, having 4.2, 6.7, and 9.4 times the mass of the Earth, orbit the star HD 40307 with periods of 4.3, 9.6, and 20.4 days, respectively.




Darker Days Ahead

Darker Days Ahead


Hang in there, the solstice is coming. You might not notice it at first, but around December 22 we have our shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, although not usually the coldest. Those come in January for most of us. And then the days mercifully begin to last a little longer and a little longer, lifting depression and signaling the coming of Spring.

If you’re a scientist like me, and I assume most of you are at least hobbyists, you want the truth, up front, bad news or good. You value that science and knowledge sets us apart from the ignorant, superstitious, unnatural world view for which we’ve lived with most of our evolutionary days, which, depending on when you decide to call our species ‘human’ is, somewhere between a million and a hundred thousand years ago.

We are forcing humans into unnatural selection these days. If you’d like to read about it in depth, I recommend a book by Juan Enriquez, “Evolving Ourselves”, available in the customary locations worldwide.

Available at Amazon

We have pigeonholed ourselves away from even the smallest resemblances of our original existence. Babies are born by C-section, antibiotics kill every microbe we want to destroy, and the toxins of pollution are starting to express their effects in the newest generations, such as autism, allergies, and shorter life spans. Our immune systems are coddled, our drudgery’s solved, artificial daylight rules, and our food is wrapped in plastic.

I am still hopeful in this new age of corporate control that science will last, because it doesn’t change except to uncover a deeper truth. If it’s found incorrect, its duty and obligation is to correct itself. Facts remain despite any objections, propaganda, denial, or wishful thinking. When you make decisions in your life, inform yourself from reliable sources, be skeptical of wild claims and extraordinary declarations. Look for the facts, the proof, the evidence. In this way, you promote the brain over the brawn, the science over fiction, the future over the past.

Wishing you peace and warmth as the sunlight returns to generate life on Earth. (For those of you on the other side of the equator, read this again in June when it applies on your half of the planet.)



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