Ready for a quick trip to the Tau Ceti system? A thorium reactor appears virtually overnight, and Captain Jackson finds himself caught between two feuding aliens. When one bombs the reactor, he’s forced to choose who lives, who dies, and who should pick up the pieces in the aftermath.
Next Monday September 26th, all day Monday, my novella Gamma Ray Games will be FREE
in the Amazon Kindle Store. You can read it on any device, no E-Reader necessary!
Tell a friend!
If you think a thorium reactor is harmless, think again.
Actually, I didn’t realize it was half way through the week until I checked on the Goodreads Giveaway – tomorrow is the last day to enter the give away for a signed paperback copy of Paradox: The Alien Genome. There’s over 200 requests, but the odds are better than average!
Speaking of Over the Hump – here in southern Nevada to the west of Las Vegas is a mountain range separating it from a rural town called Pahrump! They have a great little library there and I expect to be doing a reading there this fall. If you live in the land of Nye County, stay tuned and I’ll be updating when I know a firm date.
Also looking at doing a reading at the Neon Science Fiction Book Club here in Las Vegas. Again, no firm date, but wanted to give you something to think about. I’ll be visiting at the Vegas Valley Book Fair on October 15th downtown, but I was a bit too late for this year’s vendor list. Maybe next year I can make it!
And one more announcement. Dangerous: Gamma Ray Games will be FREE on Amazon Kindle one day this month, on Monday, September 26th. As always, it’s free to read if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber. It’s a poolside read, just a couple of hours and it’ll give you a great introduction to Captain Thomas Jackson and some of his crew.
Crashed on Beta Hydri Four, it’s the humans that are the aliens in this story of discovery and deliverance.
If you’re not a member of Goodreads, you need to go sign up. Thousands of books and dozens of genres, a huge community of like minded book lovers all hope for an worthwhile read. Make friends, rate books, set goals for yourself and get your “Want To Read” shelf filled without any hassle from the “Big Online Retailer”. Find trivia, quizzes, and events, and a new favorite of mine, Giveaways! We authors want you to peek at our books, and in exchange, you just indicate you want to get one free! We don’t keep your name, email, phone number or address on file and cannot solicit you, so it’s a “no strings attached” deal. That was the wind up.
Here’s the pitch: Starting at midnight, I’m giving away 10 signed copies of my paperback, Paradox: The Alien Genome. All you have to do is click. In the meantime, join a group, create a list, open a discussion, ask authors questions, and challenge yourself to read something new this year. Let your friends know where to shop for your holiday gifts when they throw up their hands and say “you already have one of everything!” GOODREADS
It’s the last day this year that PARADOX: The Alien Genome will be available for FREE on Amazon. If Science Fiction isn’t your cup of Earl Grey, Coffee, or Passion Fruit Iced Tea, do a friend a favor and share this post with them!