Tag: Marvin the Martian

Remember Marvin the Martian?

Remember Marvin the Martian?

Warner Brothers Marvin the Martian
Marvin the Martian, 1948

Remember Marvin the Martian?

He lived as a Warner Brothers character who does his best to foil Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck in 7 minutes. Given all of the Mel Blanc classics, I have to say Marvin the Martian is one of my top ten favorites from the Looney Tunes archives. I have only one of those famous characters immortalized in a Christmas ornament. It’s Marvin the Martian. Also, I have his dog, K-9, as a wind up toy. Lastly, I have a t-shirt with Marvin on it, and an upside chest pocket, with one of the little fellow’s quotes: “Do they ever shut up on your planet?!” These honors belong to no other cartoon in our home.

Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and a singing frog animated the small screen with Marvin and K-9.

Created in 1948 (71 years ago!), cartoons starring this creature were scare on the Saturday morning cartoon circuit of the 1970’s. When one of those 16 episodes lit up the television, everyone in the house came to watch it! What enchanted us about this fantasy person, a ‘martian’ with a ray gun, big floppy shoes, and a green tutu? I probably can’t say with certainty, as a talking wabbit was also a member of the family. Perhaps it was the infrequency with which we got to see him.

Don’t forget that Marvin the Martian was accompanied by his dog, K-9. He was a lime green, four legged creature who also wore two pairs of big floppy shoes and a green tutu. Together they traveled the solar system, intent on destroying Earth. It blocked Marvin’s view of Venus. Instant Martians enjoy an occasional spotlight as well, which come dehydrated and activate with a little water.

Who, or what, is your favorite fictitious martian?

How about My Favorite Martian, Exodus, or as his patron Tim calls him, Uncle Martin? You remember him, played by Ray Walston, with a pair of telescoping antennae on his head?

In fiction, we have Valentine Michael Smith, born in space and raised by martians. He reminds people that he is just an ‘egg’ and does not ‘grok’  – a child who doesn’t understand. Robert Heinlein’s masterpiece, Stranger in a Strange Land weaves in and out of our culture to this day, nearly 70 years later.

Then, played by Matt Damon, Mark Watney becomes a resident of Mars when he is left behind. You know this movie as, literally, “The Martian”.

As Mars demystifies,

As humans explore Sol IV, as we sci fi writers would likely label it, we need a new mystery. However, Mars remains a planet newly inhabited of robots, sent by humans. As the robots search for water, I hope they find life forms. Snarks, Boojums, even Marvin the Martian would usher in a new epoch in human history.  In the meantime, go watch A Lunar Tune at The Looney Tunes Wiki

Thanks for stopping by! Although not about Martians, if you like stories about aliens, go grab my short story prequel. It’s free to download.

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