Tag: medicine

5 Free Ways to Live Long and Prosper

5 Free Ways to Live Long and Prosper


It’s the beginning of a new year, at least as far as the calendar is concerned. Actually, every day is the beginning of a new year if you stop to think about it, so I say don’t make another resolution you won’t keep. Just consider these five easy peasy things you can do to help yourself live a longer, healthier, wealthier life.

  1. Breathe. Take five minutes daily to breathe using your diaphragm instead of your ribs. By inmarianaheinzbreathehaling “through your belly button” you bring air into the depths of your lungs where it has a chance to enter your circulatory system. It also does something very important: it retrains your brain, over time, to function more efficiently with your nervous system. Do it. It’s free.
  2.  Screen Time. Turn off your phones, pads, computers, and televisions at least 30 minutes before retiring. brainwavesOur vid screens induce an Alpha Wave state of mind, somewhat like staring out into space. Brainwaves that you need for optimum sleep efficiency are Theta Waves. By turning off your video screens, your pineal gland will perceive the darkness, produce melatonin, change the Hz of the nervous system and you will benefit from a better night’s sleep. Do it. It’s free.
  3. Save Money. It’s easier than you think to save money. The benefits you reap from saving money include the peace of mind that you are not a victim, a passenger in piggybankcashyour future.
    You don’t need to save much to feel the endorphin kick when your bank statement arrives, either. Next time you want that high priced coffee drink, a box of candy, or a magazine, tell yourself “no” and set that money aside, at least in your mind, until the end of the week. Aim for $10, transfer that money from your operating account to a savings account. In a year you’ll have $500 staring back at you. Do it. It’s better than free.
  4.  Wear Seat Belts.  This is a no brainer. Besides this action being a law in most states, these things save lbuckleives. Airbags
    are good, but airbags are not good without seat belts first. In a collision you hit an airbag too hard and it can cause real damage. Don’t like wrinkled clothes? Blood is worse. Feel like it’s choking you? Adjust the frame attachment point lower, or use a belt cushion. Afraid you’ll be trapped by it? First responders will cut you out. If you’re unconscious, you won’t be able to let yourself out anyway.
    Do it. It’s free.
  5. Drink More Water. No matter how much water you think you’re drinking, it’s probably not enough. waterThe adult body is 60% water on average. Eight glasses a day is the old standard, but it doesn’t have to be pure water to count. A glass of milk counts as 7 ounces, and some juice is nearly 8 ounces. On the other hand, drinks with caffeine reduce your water intake despite their lack of nutrients. Caffeine is a natural diuretic that removes water from your body. A cup of tea may have 8 ounces of water, but you’re going to lose a couple, so it only counts as about 5-6 ounces. Do it. It’s practically free.

So five easy, guiltless, scientifically supported actions you can take every day, starting today, that will cost almost nothing and most likely save you money when you look at the reduced electricity costs and the health benefits. Of course, the old traditional “eat better, exercise, and stop smoking” are in there, but start out slow. If you can do those five things, you’ll be starting out 2017 five steps ahead, and on your way to a long life of prosperity.

What are you waiting for? GO!




Atomic number 79 and symbol Au, gold is one of the most incredible elements in the universe. It was brought to Earth by asteroids and meteorites, as it must be forged from the heart of a supernova. It’s the only metal that is, well, golden colored, and is soft enough when pure to leave a bite mark.We can flatten it to a sheet thinner than paper, but a chunk the size of a brick couldn’t be lifted over your head, weighing well over 300 pounds!

Gold is used to coat the visors of astronaut helmets because it is such an excellent reflective substance of radiation. It is found in the human bloodstream, and makes an excellent anti-inflammatory, sometimes injected with other substances into the body to combat the ravages of rheumatoid arthritis.

Gold is used in test strips to detect malaria, early detection of HIV, and gold nanoparticles can be attached to cancer cells in order to detect cancer early when it can be treated successfully. These same nanoparticles can target cancer cells and destroy them without damaging healthy cells, the holy grail of all cancer treatment methods.

The demand for gold is increasing while the supply is limited, and difficult to acquire. When I heard from Neil deGrasseTyson  that 300 metric tons are contained in the average 500 meter metallic asteroid, I realized that it won’t be science fiction that defines how humans will mine asteroids for precious metals. When the applications of gold are fully realized, perhaps we can stop assaulting our planet and gather a harvest from the lonely zone between Mars and Jupiter, the asteroid belt.

American government officials used to question the need for a space program once they’d planted a flag on the moon. Once they realize there is money to be made, and perhaps one of their ailments cured, we may again indeed see a robust space program, funding, support, and a return to aerospace education and industry. At least we can hope.

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